Distance Contract For Accommodation



This Contract regulates mutual rights and obligations of the Parties in connection with the accommodation (recreation) service sold online by the Seller to the Buyer via the website www.letoonia.com for accommodation in "Clup & Hotel Letoonia" owned by the Seller Tutis Turizm Ticaret Seyahat A.S. and located in Karagozler Mevkii Fethiye Mugla- TURKEY per the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law No.6502, the Regulation on Distance Contracts and the legislation on the Commercial Electronic Message Management System under the Law on the Protection of Personal Data.


Type of service, sales price, and payment terms set forth by the Seller on the website specified in Article 1 and chosen and accepted by the Buyer from the options will be applicable. Buyer will pay the Contract Price via the Seller's website with credit card or EFT/bank transfer to the bank accounts advised by the Seller on the website. The Buyer agrees in advance that services to be requested by the Buyer before or during the accommodation, other than the services stated to be included in the price on the accommodation web page and in the Reservation Document, will be charged additionally. The Buyer acknowledges, represents, and undertakes to have examined the web promotion and booking page sufficiently, read and understood all information provided and all preliminary information on the method of payment and performance, and make the required confirmation in an electronic medium. The Buyer is obliged to pay the sum stipulated in the options agreed during the booking and in the manner as prescribed and to pay the first installment during the booking. Refund is out of the question, except for the circumstances specified hereunder. In payments via credit card, the Buyer acknowledges and undertakes to pay the interest, late interest, or any exchange rate difference to be calculated and notified by the Seller in addition to the contract price. The Buyer agrees to pay interest and that he/she will be liable to the bank under the credit card agreement signed between the Buyer and the bank owning the credit card if he/she falls into default in the transactions realized via the credit card. Persons other than those whose minimum the Buyer notifies identity information at the time of booking may not use the service undertaken by the Seller hereunder. In case of such requests, it is agreed in advance that the Seller will avoid any performance without stating any reason, and the payment will not be refunded.


The Buyer DOES NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO WITHDRAW under the Article 15(g) of the Distance Contracts Legislation. However, the Seller may grant the following rights to cancel, withdraw and make changes to the Buyer provided that the request and the reason for such request are notified via the Support Line (+90 212 444 0 280) or in writing via www.letoonia.com and that the reasons are acceptable to the Seller per the following conditions:

The following rules will be applied to cancellations and changes:

The entire sum will be refunded if the reservation made by the Buyer hereunder overlaps in the season (April 1 - October 31) and it is canceled at least 15 (fifteen) days before the check-in date or at least 20 (twenty) days before the check-in date if the reservation is an off-season reservation. The Buyer is required to notify the cancellation of the reservation at least 3 (three) days before the check-in date with an official report, valid for ten days, or death report to be obtained from a full-fledged state hospital to prove any disease or condition of his/her or his/her first-degree relatives. Any request for cancellation and change for any reason other than those listed will not be accepted, and the BUYER acknowledges, represents, and undertakes to pay the Total Reservation Price to the Seller and not to request any refund.

If the Buyer wishes to change the date of the discounted early reservation product purchased during the discounted sales period for any reason, he/she agrees that the reservation change will be made without any discount and based on the list prices that are applicable on the date of request.

Unless the Buyer notifies the change of date for his/her reservation within the periods stated above, and as prescribed, the accommodation option and conditions written in this Contract and the reservation will apply.

If the Buyer does not notify that he will not be able to go to/arrive in the facility where he/she will be accommodated until 17.00 on the starting date of the accommodation, the Seller has the right to cancel all reservations made on behalf of the Buyer. In such cancellations, any refund or compensation will not be paid to the Buyer.

The Buyer may not terminate the Contract for any reason during the provision of accommodation service. No refund will be made to the Buyer if he/she terminates the Contract and leaves the facility.

If it becomes impossible to perform the service hereunder, the Seller will notify the Buyer within 3 (three) days after he/she becomes aware of the situation with one of the contact methods notified by the Buyer and will refund all collected payments within fourteen days at the latest from the date of notification.

If the Seller terminates the Contract without good cause, all payments made by the Buyer until that day will be refunded to the Buyer.

Changes other than those related to the date specified in the reservation and additional service requests of the Buyer will be considered, provided that the Seller is notified at least 3 (three) days before the start date of the service procured. The Seller processes this request for change within the bounds of possibility, and any objection may not be raised to the Seller, or the Seller will not be held responsible for any unrealized request for change, and the Buyer may not bring this forward as a cause for termination of the Contract. For single (room) occupancy, any name change will be processed as a cancellation. Typographical errors (letter and spelling errors) made in names and surnames during the reservation will be corrected without any deduction or penalty.

In case of early check-outs, the Buyer acknowledges, represents, and undertakes that he/she will be liable for paying the full price to the Seller, and he/she will not claim for the refund of the price.

Refunds for payments will be made to the credit card or bank account used during the reservation.


5.1. the Buyer has thoroughly examined all information related to accommodation hereunder in detail from the Seller's website. The accommodation price and payment method are displayed to the Buyer before the reservation is completed on the website, and the Buyer chooses one of the payment options at his/her free will. The Buyer completes the payment transaction by entering his/her credit card information. The credit card information provided by the user on the website is encrypted via 128-bit Rapid SSL technology. Seller's reservation payment page has a Rapid SSL security certificate that is internationally and globally recognized. The Seller may update the security information on this web page. The Buyer is responsible for checking such information periodically. The system where credit card information will be entered is protected by the international security software, making it impossible to view or copy the information. However, the Seller will not have any criminal and/or legal liability for damages to be incurred by the Buyer due to transactions from the Seller's system with their passwords and information to be captured by third parties with illegal software such as viruses, spy programs and similar downloaded/installed on the Buyer's computer or due to the Buyer's negligence and the Seller reserves the right to seek recourse to the Buyer for damages that may arise from such transactions.

The Buyer has to notify the authorized person in good faith about the complaints in writing during the performance of the service. If the Buyer continues to use the defective service, despite his/her complaint, without first notifying the Seller's officials immediately in writing or contacting the support line (+90 212 444 0 280) or using the e-mail address at www.letoonia.com, he/she will be deprived of the right to claim and compensation, such as replacement services and reimbursement related to his/her complaint.

The Buyer acknowledges and undertakes that he/she fully approved this Contract, its annexes, and other documents that are an integral part of this Contract in the virtual environment after he/she received all information about the hotel reservation and the Seller's facility and service conditions from the specified web addresses of the Seller and made all the necessary online examination and that this approval/confirmation will serve as a signature.

Identity and age will be checked at the check-in. If any price difference arises due to false or incomplete notifications, such difference will be charged immediately at the time of check-in. The Seller reserves the right to cancel the accommodation of customers failing to meet this criterion.

The accommodation dates, the names of people to stay, the type of facility room, and the accommodation system are indicated in the promotional page published on the website www.letoonia.com, which is an annex and an integral part of this Contract, and in the records of reservations made by the Buyer.

The Buyer will stay in the hotel between the dates specified in the reservation. The Buyer may extend his/her accommodation if the facility is available and he/she sends the request for extension of accommodation to the Seller, provided that the Seller accepts the extension and the Buyer makes the required payment.

A 24/7 security camera system/surveillance is available in the hotel for the security of guests. However, the Seller, including his/her personnel, will not be responsible for any loss and/or damage to or theft of the Buyer's valuables at the accommodation facility.

Buyer(s) acknowledge(s), represent(s), and undertake(s) that they may settle in their rooms at 14:00 at the earliest, regardless of the arrival time. The rooms should be vacated at 12:00 at the latest on the day of departure, regardless of the departure hour, and the extra food and beverage and non-system services will be charged and paid by the buyers and accept the information provided on the website in this regard.

Buyer(s), who has/have not signed the Contract but will benefit from the service hereunder, are deemed to have accepted and undertaken the provisions of the Contract when their designated parties/representatives read and sign this Contract. Third parties who will stay with the Buyer (s) are deemed to have been informed by the Buyer (s) who make a reservation on their behalf and from the website of the terms of this Contract, which will be valid between the parties even if such third parties have not signed this Contract in person, and to agree to stay at the hotel under the terms & conditions of this Contract. However, if the Seller is liable for paying any price or compensation to the relevant parties other than as prescribed in this Contract due to lawsuits and legal proceedings to be filed against the Seller because such parties have not personally signed the Contract, the Seller reserves the right to seek recourse to the Buyer who has signed the Contract for the excess amount the Seller paid.

The Buyer agrees and represents that he/she has read all the preliminary information and been informed about the qualities of the service hereunder, the sales price, and the method of payment and has given the necessary confirmation digitally. The Seller will be liable to the Buyer for any defective service hereunder.

Invoices will be sent to the address specified by the Buyer in the invoice address section during the reservation within 7-14 business days from the check-out date of the reservation. The Seller will not be responsible for delays in mailing. If the invoice address section is left blank, an invoice will be sent to the contact information address. The Seller will not be responsible for any failure to deliver the invoice due to the wrong address or the failure to specify the recipient or non-presence of the recipient at the specified address.

Different prices may be applied for children aged 0 - 12 in different seasons and days. Child discounts on the website will be valid when children stay in the same room with their parents and under the conditions prescribed on the website. As declared by the Buyer, the child's age will be taken into account for families' reservations with children. However, in case of any difference between the age of the child in the child's ID card, which the Buyer will immediately pay the facility officer requests during the check-in at the hotel, and the declared age, the price difference (based on the current price on the date of check-in) to the Seller and the necessary changes will be made. Individuals under the age of 18 are not allowed to stay alone and separated from their parents even if their parents book and pay for any room.

The Seller will accept any epidemic, adverse weather conditions, social events, terrorism, strike-lockout, war, declaration of mobilization, flood, fire, unforeseen technical issues, and similar events as force majeure. If the accommodation cannot start or it is not possible to continue the ongoing accommodation for such reasons, the Seller may terminate or cancel the accommodation service or replace it with another accommodation facility located in the same or another region. In these cases, the Buyer is not entitled to claim for compensation.

In cases where the hotel announces that dinner with live music will be organized on special occasions such as religious festivals, New Year's Eve, etc., the Seller reserves the right to replace the singer or to continue the program without a singer in circumstances that are beyond the control of the hotel (such as sickness of the singer).

Accommodations in accommodation facilities are subject to "Accommodation Tax" and will be collected from the guests separately and in cash during the check-in to the facility. If any change in the tax rate is applied on the reservation date at the time of collection, the new rate will be applied. Unless otherwise specified by the Seller during the reservation, the Buyer has been informed hereunder that he/she must pay the accommodation tax in cash upon check-in. If the guest refrains from paying this tax in cash at the check-in, the Seller may withdraw from the Contract and refrain from performing the services. In this case, the Buyer has no right to claim any price refund or compensation.

Upon signing of this Contract, the Buyer gives his/her consent to the Seller, its subsidiaries, and companies to be informed about services, advertisements, announcements, campaigns, and activities related to their suppliers and organizations with which they cooperate and be sent commercial electronic messages/SMS, etc., via all channels for commercial purposes (telephone, e-mail, SMS, social media, etc.) per the Law No. 6563 and the Regulation on Commercial Communication and Electronic Messages. The Buyer may cancel this confirmation by contacting the Seller via communication channels on www.letoonia.com.

Under the Ministry of Interior's Circular on HES Code, in all accommodation facilities (such as hotels, motels, hostels, guesthouses, camps, etc.) Hayat Eve Sigar (HES) (means Life Fits Into Home) application code will be requested from the Buyer and those who will stay together, and the guests will only be accepted to the accommodation facility after the necessary inquiry gives a successful result. HES code will be required and inquired for accepting guests to the accommodation facility, and individuals who do not pose any risk (not diagnosed or without contact transmission) will be admitted to the facility. Individuals who do not provide their HES code for inquiry purposes at the check-in or individuals with an alert of transmission will not be admitted to the facility. In this case, the reservation sum will be collected in full, and any refund will not be made to the Buyer. In case of any amendment to the relevant regulations, an update will be made according to the new practice.

The Buyer acknowledges and represents that he/she has read and understood every one of the Preliminary Information Text, Privacy Policy, Security Policy, Clarification Text, Campaign, Advertisement, Privacy and Security Text, Cookie Policy and the Clarification Text on the Protection of Personal Data per the Law on Protection of Personal Data available on www.letoonia.com before signing this Contract. His/her declaration will be valid upon his/her confirmation, and he/she signed the Contract, accepting that all necessary legal notifications are made.

The Hotel Reservation/Registration document and all other legal documents approved on www.letoonia.com and signed upon check-in are an integral part of this Contract and are binding for the parties. Any dispute arising from the execution of this accommodation contract will be governed by the laws of the Republic of Turkey, and the provisions of this Contract and the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law No.6502 and the relevant regulations will prevail. General Authority Rules arising from the laws are reserved.

This Contract, drawn up digitally, will enter into force upon confirmation by the Buyer via www.letoonia.com.

The provisions of this Contract signed between the Seller and the Buyer during the registration have been fully read and approved by the Buyer who requests and accepts the registration under the same terms and conditions on behalf of other persons who will receive the same service.